Periodic renewal of AQC status is essential for distance education providers to ensure ongoing compliance with evolving quality standards and best practices in online learning. As the educational landscape continually changes—driven by advancements in technology, shifts in student needs, and emerging pedagogical approaches—regular renewal allows providers to demonstrate their commitment to maintaining high-quality curriculum and instruction. This process not only reinforces accountability but also encourages continuous improvement by prompting online course providers to assess and enhance their offerings.
Additionally, renewing AQC status helps providers retain credibility and recognition in the competitive market of online education, assuring students and stakeholders that they are receiving a relevant and effective educational experience.
Process for Renewal of AQC Status
Application for Renewal
Application Fee: $750
Due at the time of submission
Course Submission
Course Review Fee: $1,350 / course
Due at the time of course submission
Curriculum Revisions
Follow-Up Review: $500 per course (if required)
AQC will invoice the provider